Saturday, May 31, 2008

Gunners in for Guiza?

The latest transfer gossip centers around La Liga Golden Boot winner Dani Guiza of Real Mallorca. The Spanish striker comes with a reported 11.7 million quid price tag. While he did net 27 times in La Liga, I am a bit skeptical on Arsenals need to secure another forward. If anything this past season the Gunners showed well up top, even missing out on RVP and Eduardo for long stretches. Rather than going for a forward I think it is vital to secure a central midfielder, and perhaps another center-half. Those are more pressing needs at the moment. Heres a clip of his winner against Barcelona this past season.

Flamini Replacement?

Still not much being done to bring in a replacement for Flamini. I personally don't think Denilson or Diaby are adequate. Personally, I'd love to see Ya Ya Toure come to the Emirates. He's big, strong, and fit in well at Barcelona with their intricate passing game this past season. I could see him come in and play right along Cesc while giving a nice physical presence in the middle of the park.

Arsenal Signings

Nasri is almost on the books, reports claim the deal will be done within days. Speculation still surrounds the fate of Midfielder Alexander Hleb, as fresh rumors claim a deal to Barcelona is in the works. Nasri would indeed fill the void left by Hleb, if he does depart. Nice little compilation below.

Ummmm, Yes please. Get him here, now.

Just getting started

Hey, just setting everything up, more later.