Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Today's Round up

Got a late start today, had a flat tire to deal with ... anyways ...

Finally appears that Jens Lehman is on his way out to Stuttgart after signing a one year deal with the Bundesliga outfit:

-"The talks with the leaders of VfB Stuttgart were very pleasant from the beginning," new signing Lehmann told Stuttgart's official website.

-"I look forward to Vfb and the Bundesliga and I want to play my part in a successful 2008/2009 season."

It was fun to have him here as long as we did, Jens was always good for a laugh and/or some controversy. My lasting memory has to be him stopping Riquelme in the Champions League Semi-Final (Below). So long, and good luck.

In other news it now appears that Hleb has agreed with Barcelona over personal terms of a deal that would send him out of crazy and hectic London. According to his agent the only thing left to be done is reaching some kind of agreement with Arsenal. Hopefully that agreement is in the form of Ya Ya Toure. But I mean, c'mon, if he's going to bitch that he hates the city life of London then how is Barcelona any better? I've been to both cities and trust me, the nights are much later in Spain than in London. Barcelona is wild. Let's see how he deals with that.

I have long since come to terms with the fact that Hleb was/is going to leave and I feel strangely comfortable with it. His comments last week when he kissed Wenger's ass were little more than a smokescreen to portray himself in a better light. His skills and dribbling are indeed world class, but his lack of finishing, or even lack of attempts at finishing have infuriated me. Ultimately the lack of finishing and production from width is what has separated this team from the past championship teams. Pires and Ljungberg could be counted on for putting in 20+ goals a season between the two of them. Until we can get some consistent scoring from our midfield winning the title will remain a difficulty.


Anonymous said...

if rosicky is healthy for the season and can find the net that will be a big help. hopefully Nasri will be able to add some goals as well.

Anonymous said...

I think it's nice for Lehmann to finish his career at Stuttgart. It's a big enough club, and i'm sure they will try and fight for the league title next year, so then he will have a good challenge before he ends his career. As i understood he got a option on one-more-year in the contract as well, so maybe he will continue after this season as well then :)